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Tricia R., ’23

“Faculty are personable and recognize that my most of us are working adults. Flexibility with the classes and assignments -this was a big draw for me. Faculty are caring and understanding and give us the tools and resources needed for success. They truly want their students to succeed and go out of their way to help.”

Khadija N., ’23

“I was automatically accepted through my ADN program at Minneapolis College. The faculty have been very helpful and I’ve really broadened my perspective during my time at Augsburg. The program provides relevant information applicable to daily life, enlightening me in my future career” 

Hodeydiz V., ’23

“The Augsburg AU program allows the flexibility I need to attend class, while not interfering with my work schedule. Faculty are easy to talk to and detailed when it came to assignments and expectations. They provide flexible, evening classes and communicate well with students. I know I won’t fail at Augsburg, because the faculty are committed to ensuring I can be successful. The program has helped me to be more culturally competent, understand poverty, and how we can be a part of the change.

Kristin R, ’24

“I received my ADN from MCTC so the transition to Augsburg would be simple. I did however research other schools to inform my choice. Ultimately I chose Augsburg because of the flexibility to fit into my work schedule and the online or hybrid style classes. The faculty was exceptional. Emailed questions were always responded to in a timely manner and requests for video chats were easily accommodated. I always felt supported and encouraged and comments on assignments and papers were constructive. The program has allowed me to broaden my perspective of patients and families I care for at work and apply a deeper level of critical thinking to my practice. It has also allowed me to achieve an educational level more on par with many of my colleagues while working at the same job. The underlying tone of kindness and acceptance has permeated my interactions with staff and many students, something not often specifically promoted but makes a big difference. If you want a college with flexibility, opportunity and acceptance, give it serious consideration.

Maddy O. ’25

” I chose Augsburg because it had a great reputation. They are the best faculty I have ever encountered, and genuinely care about their students and their success. I’ve been awarded lots of resources and bits of knowledge that I will continue to carry with me throughout my career.